Philo Nisch 10 Questions

What's did you have for dinner two days ago?
Gratin dauphinois

Do you have a favourite ancient civilization in terms of art?
The Egypts 

Sunrise or sunset?

Ever broken a bone?

What's the furthest you've walked in a day?
62 Kilometer

How long can you spend in a museum before you get fatigued enough to leave?
On average 120 min.

Do you still own your first camera?

Did you learn to ride a bike or learn to swim first?

When did you last but a physical CD?

Which do you prefer, red wine or white wine?
I like both


Kozy Kitchens 10 Questions

What did you have for lunch two days ago?
Leftover breakfast.

Do you have a favourite painter?
Tanaka Isson at this moment. 

What's your favourite ancient culture in terms of art?
Jomon. I love their clay figures. 

Do you have a favourite bird?
I like sleeping to the songs of northern mockingbirds. 

Go back in time 100 years or forward 100 years?
I would go back in time 100 years because I would like to see the natural world we have destroyed last 100 years. We will be living on plastic trash islands in like 50 years with less biodiversity and I don’t want to see that. 

How long can you spend in a museum before you get fatigue? 
45 minutes to 90 minutes. 

What's in your pockets?
Usually a lot of dried up flagrant leaves and flowers I found on trails and gardens 

Have you ever travelled from one country to another on a boat?

Favourite extinct animal?
Dodo. I thought dodos ate horses when I was little. In my childish imagination, they were huge. 


Pelle Cass 10 Questions

What did you have for lunch two days ago?
One slice of bread, some peanut butter, an apple, and some leftover cheese popovers from the night before that Melissa cooked. She was our hostess in NYC, where we went for the weekend. She's an ex-linguist, along with her common-law husband Joel, also an ex-linguist. 

What type of ancient sport would you most like to be able to see?
Well, I've seen most of the ones I know about, like marathons and discus throwing and footraces, since I doubt they've changed much. I don't think I want to see that one from the Aztecs where they kick your head (yes, it would probably have been my head) around a dusty clearing in the dark rainforest. I guess I'd like to see cavemen throwing things at the moon, seeing who comes closest.

What's in your pockets?
It's evening and I've already emptied my pockets. I see on my desk my phone, a roll of tape, some headphones, a Cafe Nero Loyalty Card, a Turquoise brand pencil, white headphones, some memory cards, a nickel and a dime wrapped in tape that I had been planning on using to customize my tennis racquet but on such task I've given up, an Op Art coaster, a Longwood Dental Group Eucalyptus Flavor tube of lip balm, and, aw Jeez, I just wanted to list some pockety things so bad.

Do you have a favourite museum? 
I love all art museums if they are in cities with over 500,000 people or have large endowments, and I love them just about exactly equally (I hate non-art museums. What are they saving all that crap for?) I suppose I've been the happiest I've ever been in a museum at the Menil in Houston, Texas.

Right or left handed?
I am proudly and profoundly right-handed. If I try to, say, throw a ball, my left hand feels about as coordinated as an unattended garden hose spurting around on the lawn.

Ever been injured taking a photo?
A squirrel once ran up my tripod leg and scared the living shit out of me. I've always been afraid of animals, so I can claim a searing psychic injury. A dog once ran into my tripod and badly bent one of the legs. It was the bottommost segment and I used the tripod for a long time even though it only extended up to my chest. My pictures were always from a little lower angle than I'd like.

Autumn or Spring? 
I hate the fall. I love the spring.

Do you have a favourite movie set in Boston?
The Departed. Second is Love Story, a terrible movie but my wife ‘went to school in Boston’ which is what Ivy Leaguers say when they went to Harvard.

Do you remember the first time you saw a time lapse film?
I kind of think I remember a documentary about bugs taking over the world and somehow eliminating civilization. Sounds like a pleasant enough way to go compared to what we're actually looking at. 

Dogs or cats?
100% cats.

Look for a 16-page section of Pelle's work printed on paper in the latest issue of the literary quarterly McSweeney's (Issue 55)
Instagram @pellecass

Luke Miller 10 Questions

Sunrise or Sunset? 

Can you say the alphabet backwards? 
Never tried.

What's the longest you've gone without talking to anyone else at all? 
3 days, possibly longer.

Do you still own your first camera? 
Yes, a Nikon FE I used for college.

How long can you hold your breath? 
No idea.

Do you remember the first time you saw a time lapse film? 
No, can’t say I do.

What's in your pockets? 
Not much.

What did you have for lunch yesterday? 
Some sort of roll. 

Did you look directly into the sun as a child? 
Probably tried no doubt.

Do you have a favourite movie set in London? 
Not really but its always interesting seeing old London in films.

George Byrne 10 Questions

What's in your pockets?

Do you have a favourite painter?
Right now: Patricia Treib.

Would you rather swim in a pool or swim at a beach?
Beach - no contest.

What's the longest you've gone without sleeping?
I'd say 30-odd hours, back in the mid 90's

If you could add one colour to the rainbow?
Pastel green.

Sunrise or sunset?

Do you have a favourite bird?

Go back in time 100 years or forward 100 years?

Do you still own your first camera?
No but I have an exact replica (Canon AE 1 Program)

How long can you spend in a museum before you get fatigue? 
About 73 mins

Peter Maarseveen 10 Questions

Have you ever tried to say the alphabet backwards?
Yep, but failed pretty bad.

What did you have for breakfast three days ago?
My memory is pretty bad but I think it was Weet-bix and Nutrigrain

How long can you spend in an art gallery before you get bored or fatigued and want to leave? 
Depends on if there is anyone else there, if no one is around I can spend hours, but if there are lots of people not long.
Are picture more interesting depending on where they are placed?
Yes, the placement is very important, the background can be very distracting.

What's in your pockets?
At the moment, my phone, $3.70 and a memory stick.

Have you ever broken a bone?
My foot, I think, I dropped a heavy pallet with metal corners on to the top of my foot, a few weeks later it swelled up so much I couldn't get my shoe on for a week. never got it looked at though.

Bart Simpson or Cartman?
Bart, Cartman is just an arsehole.

Sunrise or sunset? 
I'm not much of a morning person so usually miss the sunrise, so I'll go sunset.

What's the longest you've gone without sleep?
I think about 3.5 - 4 days.

Peter Maarseveen has an exhibition opening the 23rd of March at 5pm at Private Projects in Moonah.
Instagram @headlessmind and @shadows_and_projections

Minna Leunig 10 Questions

Are you right or left handed?
Right. But I hold my knife in my left hand which is opposite to most people I think. So maybe I’m a little bit ambidextrous.

Could you tell the difference between Coke and Pepsi blindfolded? 
Probably not, I barely drink either. The only time I ever drink coke is on rare occasion I feel monstrously ill, like queasy… it settles my stomach like nothing else.

Which colour is more luxurious, black or white? 
Inherently neither. It depends on the thing itself. 

What's the longest you've slept for without waking up?
Maybe 12 or 13 hours - jet lag.

When was the last time you purchased a physical DVD?
I’ve never purchased a DVD in my life!

Would you rather go back in time 100 years or forward 100 years?
Tricky question. 100 years back would be tough as a woman. 100 years into the future could be a bit frightening with climate change and all - but I’m curious about where we’re headed. I want to find out. So let’s go 100 years forward.

Do you prefer dogs or cats?
I connect more with dogs. I respect cats, but they’re a bit of an enigma.

How long can you spend in an art gallery before you get bored or fatigued and want to leave? 
An hour and a half is good for me. After that I start to feel drained. Something about contemplating and engaging with art is tiring.

What feels more wrong, eating breakfast food for dinner or dinner food for breakfast?
I eat leftover dinner for breakfast all the time! Never been a huge breakfast food fan. Dinner all the way for everything.

How long can you hold your breath? 
1 minute 50 seconds (just timed myself for the first time in a long time)!

Leunig at work on one of her murals. Click to see more.

Leunig at work on one of her murals. Click to see more.

Minna Leunig has a solo show opening May 3rd at Outré Gallery, Fitzroy, Victoria

Ryder Ripps 10 Questions

Do you tie your left shoe or your right shoe first?

Could you tell the difference between Coke and Pepsi blindfolded? 
This is like asking can you tell the difference between lethal injection or decapitation if you were blindfolded, why does it matter? It’s already too late.

Sunrise or sunset? 
Sunrise, it’s more promising.

What's the longest you've gone without sleep?
4 days.

When was the last time you purchased a physical CD?
Uhhh like 20 years ago? I started pirating music when i was 13.

If you could take any building from anywhere else in the world and transplant it to NYC what would you do?
I would try to find someone really rich to sell that power to so I could invest in something more worthwhile because I don’t care about dealing with a building in NYC or particularly want to be in NYC. 

Do you prefer dogs or cats?
Cats, they are people.

How long can you spend in an art gallery before you get bored or fatigued and want to leave? 
Depends on the art no? Kinda retarded question… usually like a few seconds because most art shown in galleries is a scam and pathetic void/waste.

What did you have for dinner two nights ago?
Steak and potatoes.

How long can you hold your breath? 
Are you trying to kill me? Don’t tempt me!

Photo by Zach Sokol. Click image for link to his in depth article at Vice.

Photo by Zach Sokol. Click image for link to his in depth article at Vice.

Ryder Ripps Instagram and website.

David Booth aka Ghostpatrol 10 Questions

What's in your pockets?
Nothing sorry, I’ve been waring shorts without pockets for months, it’s almost 40 degrees here today. And I’ve been trying not to even carry a phone when I leave the house.

Sunset or Sunrise?
I’d love to say sunrise. But I definitely see a lot more sunsets than sunrises. I’m genuinely happy to be seeing any glimpse of the sun at it’s best.

Beatles or Rolling Stones?
There was time when that answer would have easily been The Beatles. But now I don’t really care for either. They get enough airtime and I’d rather listen to almost anything else.

How long can you hold your breath?
Ummmm, I’m not sure. I guess I don’t test myself enough

Would you rather travel back in time 100 years or forward 100 years?
Eek, I don’t really want to be in 1919, but as much as I’d like to be optimistic about the future, I don’t know if 2119 is gonna be that great either.

If you could paint the outside of any building in Australia which one?
Ummmmm, That’s tricky.

When was the last time you stayed up all night?
No comment.

If you could change one thing about Parliament House in Canberra what would it be?
I’d love for the Indigenous Uluru Statement From The Heart to be listened to and actioned. For a truth telling commission to be enacted. I would love to see a new flag, a new beginning from Australia to bust out the top of the building like a giant rainbow serpent erupting like a volcano.

Would you like to see Attunga Point on the shoreline of Lake Burley Griffin used as a site for a new prime minister's residence? 
I try to spend as little time as possible thinking about the prime minster and their residence. I guess the only people that are really qualified to make that call are the traditional owners of the land.

M&Ms or Smarties? 
Easily M&Ms, I like the peanut ones.

Ghostpatrol has a new drawing being projected on Parliament House from March 1st - 17th for Enlighten. And a new exhibition opening in Hobart on March 22nd at the new Long House building. It’s called Tasmanian Time Traveler, his first exhibition in the state.

Jonny Scholes 10 Questions

What did you have for lunch two days ago?
A pie from Steve’s Pies in Queenstown. Sauce is still free there.

Go back in time 100 years or forward 100 years?
Forward I guess. I know how fucked up the past was... At least I'd be learning something new going forward.

Sunrise or sunset?
Sunrise. Most of the time it means I've gotten up early enough to have a really productive day.

Favourite bird?
Probably chickens. Or those ones you hear in the bush that go "do do do doo-it".

How long can you spend in a museum before you get fatigue?
If there is (good) food in the museum (rare) I can spend a whole day (unless it's all very same-y). Otherwise it depends how long it's been since the last meal.

Favourite arcade game?
There was this game on (does that count?) which my primary school friends and I used to secretly go and play at Kingston library whilst waiting for the bus. You shot down helicopters with grappling hooks and such. It was a bit "America fuck yeah" for my current taste, but this was before I'd really grappled with how warmongering and gaming can go hand in hand.

What the longest you've slept without waking up?
Within memory, 10 hours but I had a general anaesthetic for pretty major facial surgery when I was 7. I was probably out cold for longer then.

Ever run from the cops?
A few times. Running away from a shop owner who's bin you've just dived is much more terrifying though. They get really angry for some reason.

Sunrise or sunset?
Sunset. It means the most productive part of the day is about to start!

Favourite website?
Wikipedia. There was this website called Ffffound which was rad but it's closed down now.

Sam Dobransky

What's in your pockets?
Old iPod.

Could you tell the difference between full cream milk and low fat milk blind folded?
Don't drink the stuff. Bonsoy it is.

What's more fun, staying up late or sleeping in?
Sleeping in.

Have you ever broken a bone?

Do you get sea sick?
Got sea sick on a fishing trip in Albany when I was about 10.

How long can you spend in an art gallery before you get bored or fatigues and want to leave?
Depends on the space I guess. 30 mins?

Are you right or left handed?

Do you prefer dogs or cats?

When was the last time you listened to a physical CD?
Today in the car with my daughter, The Wiggles 

Would you rather go back in time 100 years or forward 100 years?
1919 would be interesting for a bit.

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Tom O'Hern 10 Questions

What’s in your pocket?
One dollar with Edmund Barton on it.

If you could add a colour to the rainbow?
Chrome. Like Aussie Export chrome spray paint from Chickenfeed.

Favourite extinct animal?
Thylacine for sure. Though maybe the Frogodile.

What the longest time you’ve stayed awake?
Quite a while, I used to get insomnia flipping terrible and life just kind of turned into a half lucid dream.

Ever broken a bone?
Toe on a skateboard with no shoes. Rib on a bike. Pelvis and a bit of my back in a boat crash.

Never use the Internet again or never draw again?
Never use the Internet. Freedom from the child devouring mechanical messiah.

Favourite ancient art?
Oooooh depends how ancient. Really early Greek pottery when it’s a bit more abstract and less classical is the best thing ever. Western civilisation should have stopped there.

Full cream milk, low fat milk, or other?
Soy boy.

Any conspiracy theories that you might believe in?
MSG is actually not that bad for you.

What’s your most productive time of the day?
About 4 - 8 and 10 - 12.

Tom O’Hern’s can be followed on Instagram.
